
Hmmm... life sometimes just gets you and bites you in the ass.

For the most part my life has been good but sometimes.. times like this that you feel like you can only do so much and that much ain't enough to make your life as you want it to be. I'm not sure that I'm making any sense but for me.. That's how I see my life now... It seems that whatever I do.. nothing seems to be enough that no matter what I do. The problem seems to be getting bigger not smaller.

I haven't been happy in a long while... and that just gets to me.. That I can't seem to make myself happy. I can smile and joke around with people...with people who mean so much to me. But comes a time when i can't even pretend to be happy and I can't help but cry.

My husband, I know generally is a good person. but bad habits, sometimes bad attitude, i would like to be honest and say on both our parts, just sometimes makes our lives a little less easy to live. Couple that with our financial issues, especially now that our computer rentals shop isn't doing as good as we'd want it to be.

It seems that every little things just gets to you. I should've been used to my mother-in-laws morning ritual of getting mad at just about everything. to my daughters early ramblings. to my nieces and nephews-in-law constant bickering and fighting... their kids after all. Part of me knows but part of me just gets filled up and wants to shout.. leave me the hell alone.

hmmmm..... well, life as it says... happens.. and all you can do is ride the wave
