If you had a bad day...

Sometimes it's so frustrating living with relatives. I really don't mind, well most of the time.. But there are times when everything just seems overwhelm and you only wish that life would be better. Sometimes you feel like you want to change things but there are also times when you feel like everything is just where its supposed to be...
Am I making any sense at all..
well, maybe not.. maybe I'm just this lost soul who will continue to be lost till life just takes it's toll and let me move up that higher plane of existence
I just hope that I can hold on and that I can hold on to my temper longer.. hahahaha...


Jialok said…
I have unpleasant experiences staying with relatives before.

That's why I always prefer to depend on my own.
Kinchai said…
you said it.. but heck what can I do.. this is how my life is... hopefully it will change soon but until then, I guess I just have to grind my teeth ;-)