As Promised...


As promised, I will try to post here at least once a day...
so here is day 3 ^_^

So what's new with me? Nothing at all. Hahahaha

Today has been quiet with only a few bumps... I'm still feeling the stress of the financial burden but I'm trying to stay positive and expect an influx of blessings that will fill the lack. I know God is good and He will help or will send help.

I know there's still a way to go before I can be the best vessel I can ever be, I've still a long way to go before I can fully comprehend God's plan for me, if I ever could, but I know that He is creating me and molding me and making me out to be the best that I can be.. the best mom, the best wife, the best friend, the best daughter and the best woman that I can be...

I'm opening my heart. I'm opening my life. God lead the way...


Unknown said…
Nice! Keep it up:)