Yes, I'm not ashamed of my age, I'll shout it to the world, I have lived in this world for 43 years.
What do I have to show for it? 2 kids, a wonderful although not perfect marriage. Some gadgets, a car (we're still paying for it though), no house yet but we live comfortably on our "own" abode within my hubby's family compound. A good job, good service/ministry at my parish. Ability to help in my own little way the less fortunate of my brethren.
Not bad I should say. I'm still far from satisfied with this life, there's still so much I want to accomplish, but I'm content, I'm happy. The struggles, challenges are spices of life. It's not easy but it's not hard either.
I love my life and I wouldn't trade it for the world.
Happy Birthday to ME!