Just Keep Swimming... Err... I mean writing...

I have sworn to myself maybe a hundred times or more that I will keep my blogs afloat, that I will endeavor to write as often as I can and as much as I can. Sometimes though, my thoughts are all a jumble, I find it hard to concentrate on writing and when I do, sometimes, I find myself typing away with no coherent thought in writing.

LOLz. Isn't that funny? Anyways, I really want to write and I think I'm good at it. Well, most people say so. When I put my mind into it, I am quite the writer. I know, maybe I have yet to prove it here, but I know I am and when people who I value say the same thing, I tend to agree. Hmmm... Here I go again, veering from my thoughts, anyways, I titled this post just keep swimming, since I remember Dory the fish on Finding Nemo, she just wouldn't quit. She has amnesia and forgets most everything after it happened, but she persists. I want to do that. Persist in writing... so my newest motto is “ just keep writing, ” I have to admit it's not always an easy task, so I have to keep reminding myself that I'm good at this and I can do this and persist as Dory did.

I never thought a cartoon could make me realize a profound thought, but well it did and I hope that kids who watched the movie will also realize the thought that popped into my head... "just keep swimming..."

It will all fall into place at the right time. 

Persist in what you are doing. Persist and persevere in your dreams, WE will all reach it one day... 
