Have you ever promised someone that you'll do something, but then you don't. Not because you don't want to but well, sometimes we just tend to go back to our old ways and well, it always seems to ram right into breaking a promise made.
It sucks, but that's life, I guess.
But don't you ever want to try harder to keep a promise? How do you actually keep a promise? Is breaking a promise an innate trait in someone? And is keeping it also innate in a particular person?
I think the best solution is to not make a promise. LOL. I mean, be honest with yourself and with the person you are dealing with, if you know that you cannot keep your word, then better not stake it then, don't you think?
It really shouldn't be hard but sometimes we tend to try to please people we care about and make an effort to not make them feel sad or bad or even mad. But in the end, when we are not honest, and they find out that we didn't keep our word and broke a promise, then you actually double the bad feeling they get... In this way I feel like its best to just be honest and lay our cards on the line and let it fall where they may. Rather than risk hurting our loved ones even more when they lose their trust in us.
I know, that its not always a perfect world and there are times when this rule doesn't apply, so I will let you think about it for a while... think about what's best for you in your current situation. Just remember that in the end, you will be the one to bear the consequences of your action. If you end up hurting your loved one, their reaction to your initial action may not be something you like and that's something that you have to accept.
See you next time...